This is the second part of the small retrospective of the last year, you can read the first part about the content of the website here. This time we present robotpig.net “Greatest hits” or more simply the most popular posts, articles and other website sections in a three top five countdowns. ---
First we have the News Top 5, the section with the most content and naturally the most page views.

By far the most popular one was the “SAAB new stealth fighter program”. It was posted in militaryphotos.net and from there it went almost viral with many other forums (most of them in Scandinavia) referring to the original article. This post was quite brief but it had all the right ingredients of what we consider a good robotpig article or post. Those are the critical view, the cross-reference and original research. This post brought the 5.28% of unique page views and created a traffic spike by increasing the visitors 25 times (in comparison to the previous days).
The second most popular news post was “AESIR 'flying saucer' UAV”. It featured a graphical explanation of this system advantage and while the official website is now under construction this post has a very good google search rank..
The third post was the 15gr QuadCopter UAV that was very brief but probably kept popular because of the huge interest in quads.
The fourth was “Formula 1 possible switch to 18" wheels” and it was featured in the BBC Formula 1 forums.
Last but not least the 5fth popular post is the “Blimpduino - part 2”, the latest part of my inexcusably neglected blog. It was featured in the main page of DIYdrones when Chris Anderson noticed it on my status. This blog is not abandoned although there is a lot of time since my last post. It is one of the most important parts of robotpig and there are big plans for it!
The small number of articles makes the next top 5 less important or interesting. It is worth noticing that the news/blog top 5 featured the English version of each post. However the most popular article was in Greek, “Βενζίνες - οκτάνια/μόλυβδος” (with a 5.10%!) in the first place with the English version “High octane fuel - leaded petrol” placed fourth (with 1.07%). In the second place there is the article on “Ducati Desmosedici RR”, in the third also the Greek “Ισχύς Ροπή Ώση - Ανάλυση” and in the fifth place: “Mitsubishi MPR13 Rally Raid”.
Other popular content was naturally the first page (with 9.04%) and the forum (7.78%), while the first page in Greek was below with just 1.70%. The old version of the website attracted the 4.13% and by far the most popular forum topic was the one on fuel magnets etc in Greek (original title: Ιονιστές Καυσίμου).

Finally the Top 5 of the most popular keywords. At first place was “super βενζίνη” (Greek for premium gasoline) that lead to the respected article. In the second place is the keyword “ιονιστής καυσίμου” (Greek for fuel magnet etc) that explains the popularity of the topic by the same name. Third keyword was “lancia tour – Italian design” and in fifth place there is the keyword “βενζίνη οκτάνια” (Greek for “gasoline/fuel octane”).
The statistics show as expected a very strong long tail. Even the most popular and frequently visited pages don’t take a very big share of the total visits. The strangest conclusion is the unusually frequent visits that a topic about a phony gimmick attracts. Maybe this subject deserves a regular post and I hope that the people who read it have a more clear view that won’t allow them to spend money on such nonsense.
One year retrospective (I) - the content
One year retrospective (III) - the visitors