This is a very brief post to introduce this new blog section. Here one can view the inner workings of this website and also the process and the 'backstage' of the articles and other featured projects. Robotpig.net is online for some years now, it started in 2006 and slowly but steadily has grown in audience and recognition. It is largely a personal project of the author with the additional and very valuable help of some friends. The website evolved mostly in steps rather than gradually and in the next weeks we are preparing an extensive update.---
Along with some ergonomic and aesthetic improvements, we aim to lift the 'beta' and gradually open all the featured categories with new content. I hope you will find it interesting and useful and this blog will be a more personal space for those who are curious enough to know more about our work here.

In a few hours we are leaving for Monza to attend the Italian Grand Prix and as you can imagine that will be a major influence in the next posts and articles.
You may follow my personal twitter account @erripman for some semi-live and semi-serious coverage. If possible I will re-tweet to the official robotpig tweeter account @robotpig and on the robotpig facebook page