The third and last part of last year’s retrospective is dedicated to the visitors of robotpig.net. As you can see on the map the first country is Greece where the 52.5% of our visitors originated. The second country is US, the third UK and interestingly the fourth is Japan.---

The table above shows more details. The only surprise here is Japan and the relatively high place should be attributed to our cover of many Japanese oriented subjects (ex Jiotto Caspita). Amongst cities, most users came unsurprisingly from Athens Greece with Thessaloniki (the second largest Greek city) in second place. The first European city outside Greece is London in 6th place and (another surprise) the first non-European city is Tai-Nan from Taiwan Chine in 13th place.
A small contradiction is the fact that although about half of the visitors are from Greece, the most popular content was in English. All content is always available in English and Greek. It appears that the Greek section of the website was homogenously visited in its whole spectrum of topics, where in the English sections few topics attracted the majority of visits thus becoming the overall most visited. The default language of the website is English, but this should have played a very small part on this.
That was the last part of these retrospective posts; I hope the hardcore fans that read them found them interesting. It was a good year, the next one will be better :)
One year retrospective (I) - the content
One year retrospective (II) - greatest hits