You may have noticed that there were very few post and updates on robotpig.net, well there was a reason for that. For more than one year me and my colleagues behind Robots association (and Robots Podcast) were working on a new website that will combine many bloggers, researchers and experts under one platform providing the best resource and coverage for everything robotic related. You can take a look at the concept in our first promotional video:
Robohub is an online platform that brings together leading communicators in robotics research, start-ups, business, and education from around the world.
Content is broadly organized into four sections:
- News: The latest scientific and business breakthroughs.
- Views: Expert views, opinions, editorials, and discussion.
- Talk: Audio interviews with leading roboticists.
- Learn: Tutorials, micro-lectures, and educational, hands-on learning materials.
Robohub is produced by the ROBOTS Association, a Swiss Non-Profit based in Zurich, Switzerland and dedicated to providing free, high quality information for the robotics community and the general public.
For more information, have a look at Robohub
Personally I’m very excited to be a part of this great project, currently we have launched the beta version of the website but many exciting things are along the way. I invite you all to follow Robohub (on facebook, twitter, youtube and Google+).
A few words about robotpig.net, although its name was somehow arbitrary and initially not robot related (or pig related, still the case) along the way robots became a very important part (for me personally that was also the case). Being part of robotspodcast and Robohub changed my perspective for this website that was and is a project that I have put a lot of time and effort and I’m really proud of. There will be a few changes; the most fundamental one is a slight (or not so slight, we’ll see ) shift to more opinionated articles and in-depth reviews instead of news. Also for robotic related items there will be a direct reference to Robohub. Most of the more successful posts weren’t robot related so other categories (aerospace etc) will be an even larger part of this website, and some new projects will also be presented along the way.
Thanks to everyone that supported our effort and I hope you’ll enjoy Robohub and the next steps of this website, great things are coming!
Ioannis K. Erripis
founder / editor