This is the first post in my new blog so I think a small introduction is necessary. I believe that robotics is one of the most exiting fields for anyone with an interest in engineering. UAVs especially are the ultimate challenge for aeronautical engineering and robotics. I personally had followed the advances on UAV technology for some years.
However the infamous predators was (is) an exotic technology until a blog post by Graham Warwick in Aviation Week's Ares blog had a groundbreaking insight. Wired's magazine editor Chris Anderson has started a project not only to create a very cheap but functional UAV but also to start a community of open source software and hardware using ning for the purpose of creating affordable but capable UAVs. The community is DIYdrones.com and it is quite substantial by now with a lot of members, impressive projects and a huge knowledge base.---
Inspired by DIYdrones and my interest in robotics and aerospace I decided to open this blog in order to log my efforts in this field. UAV development is a very diverse field. For a successful project you need skills in electronics, programming, telecommunications, RC and in a more advanced level aeronautical engineering, composite material fabrications etc.
I have almost no actual experience in any of these areas, especially the most basic ones so this blog is about a 'from scratch' point of view and I expect in the next months it will reach a more advanced level and hopefully successful flights.My first steps will be in basic electronics.
I hope you will find the blog useful or at least entertaining.

PS. I wanted an image to kick start this blog and I decided that a Lego model of the most famous UAV, the RQ-1 Predator is what reflects best the DIY approach and the ambition of these projects. I made it with LeoCAD and some post processing