This could be either the a really large ant or a very small camera. Fortunately it is the latter and with a diameter of only 3mm the Video Scout camera is around 5 times smaller than most medical endoscopic cameras. It combines very good image quality and low cost. It is designed from BC Tech inc. and it will be sold as a module for various applications.---

As you can see from the image above the Video Scout is very simple. Because of its small size it has a pinhole for image focus and the light passes through a lens to a small CMOS sensor. The pinhole and the lens can be adjusted for depth of field (3-10mm) or field of view (100-140deg.). The CMOS sensor is made by Omnivision and gives video of 400x400pixel resolution and 30fps, very good quality for such a small size.

The advantage of Video Scout is that it will be sell as a component for various medical devices. It may be find applications in fields other than medical operations, for example in Jet engine inspections or robotic applications.
More info and technical specifications in the Video Scout website.
(via Singularity Hub )