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High octane fuel - leaded petrol
by IKE - 20-2-2006


Today after about 20 years of a transitional period the majority of the cars and a rising ratio of motorcycles we use have a catalytic converter. However the cars and bikes that they haven't one are still significant and their users are skeptical about what kind of fuel to use.

In the early 90s the unleaded petrol was introduced in parallel to the conventional leaded one. Some years ago lead was completely banned and leaded petrol was replaced from LRP (lead replacement petrol). In this article we will try to explain the reasons behind the use of leaded petrol or LRP and when and if this is necessary.

Also another source of confusion is the relatively recent availability of high-octane fuel. This more expensive petrol may give power or fuel economy advantages or even reduce wear inside the engine. In the following pages we will explain the mechanism behind the fuel usage by the engine and the areas where high-octane petrol could (or could not) be beneficial.

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